Emergency preparedness is learned. We teach how to prepare for various emergency situations.


Stop, Drop and Roll


Find a safe space, cover your head


Run | Hide | Fight

Yet, basic survival in water remains a gap in emergency preparedness; when most people are exposed to a pool, beach or lake

at some point during the summers or their lifetime. Let’s spread the word on how to survive in water by staying calm and floating to safety.

“To escape a rip current, you should not do what may be instinctual — swimming directly to shore. By doing so you risk drowning from becoming fatigued. Instead, you should, “Stay afloat, yell for help, swim parallel to the shore. Do not exhaust yourself fighting the current,” NOAA said.”

Parents succumb to a Florida Rip Current and floating is encouraged as a life-saver. (June 2024)

Let's Learn How to Float Like a Boat